

Porch Talk podcast, hosted by Alan Aldridge, presents Soulflower Healing Arts Studio in his latest episode!

Starkville, Mississippi- February 3, 2020- Porch Talk characterizes itself as a cultural podcast highlighting musicianship, craftsmanship, entrepreneurship, and whatever strikes the interest of its host- such as Soulflower Healing Arts Studio.

Alan Aldridge, host and founder of Porch Talk, recently sat down with Soulflower Healing Arts Studio’s founder, Miki Bryant, and a few other studio instructors (Lisa Hanna and Melissa Duncan) to get a behind-the-scenes take on the goings-on and practices within the studio walls. In this hour-long podcast episode, you’ll learn valuable information about the Soulflower community, culture, Core Classes, Lending Library, monthly events, healing services, and professional counseling services. Other curious topics covered in this episode revolve around meditation, energy work, and spirituality.

Alan kindly describes Soulflower as, “A special place that has a way of immediately removing all the baggage you’ve been carrying from the world. Whether it’s therapy, reiki, creative writing, meditation, massage, or a loving community you’re looking for… Soulflower provides it.”

Porch Talk (Opens in Spotify) | Porch Talk (Opens in Apple Podcasts) | Porch Talk (Opens in PlayerFM)

About Soulflower Healing Arts Studio

Soulflower Healing Arts Studio provides a supportive oasis for those who are looking to heal, holistically reduce stress and reawaken their soul’s true purpose.

Soulflower Healing Arts Studio is located at 300 Greensboro Street in Starkville, Mississippi, MS 39759.

Media Contact:

Christine Little

300 Greensboro St.

Starkville, MS 39759

